Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Fun in the sun and sand

Last Day for SPB school trip

After a night in the hotel Harmony in Legion, we walked to the beach. The joy on the children's faces says it all

Into the water we go!

Water was cold, but we had a lot of fun building the rafts and then racing to the finish line. It was hard work - we were all very tired- including Ms. Regina and Ms. Carol

Which way to the water?

After what seemed like a long time, the team was able to create this raft. They could only use bamboo and rope. They were ready to try it out in the river.

Mr. Happy Feet

He was the star of the dancing section of last night's drumming and dancing.

Team Building

We had a great time having a contest to see which team could start a fire faster. It was a lot harder than it looked. Afterwards we made a huge bonfire and toasted marshmallows

Hard Night of Drumming

Last night the children had drum lessons. Alfian was taking a short break, before he began his dancing. Everyone loved how he danced to the beat of the drum- he was the star of the show!